The road to decentralization of DFS 6: I DO (A Transalation By Belinda Lin/Gary Liang

24 min readDec 18, 2020


Preface: Double Twelve

Previously on

The Tag (Qiuhe) system, since its launch on 11 Nov.,within a month, has gained much support and love.

We ‘ve heard the voices of resistance and seen the actions of all.

Data's peaks for itself. 58 million EOS in proxy is far more than our expectation.

The yield of TAG LP, which has stayed at high level for 30 days in a row, has toppled our notion about second LP.

In just one month, the following achievements have been made:

• TAG’s proxy pool dfsbpsproxy1 has reached 58.7 million EOS. 4655 people participated in the voting. TAG / LP liquidity has exceeded 1 million EOS with 989 participants.

• November 17th bp.dfs won more than 53 million votes, ranking 68th, successfully received the first block producer candidate rewards: 103 EOS

• December 1st bp.dfs , won the support of B1 95 million votes. The total number of votes obtained exceeded 230 million, ranking 25th.

• The Launch of YFC serial financial products, with the total funds involved hitting 2.5 million EOS

• TP node and KEY node supported by TAGvote pool passed the rewards threshold of Block Producer Candidate successfully.

• Excellent domestic and overseas nodes and project parties have come to join in, expressing their ideas and willingness to build a healthy community and ecology together.

• The launch of a node evaluation system, providing a communication environment among nodes and community. It is not blind voting anymore.

• The Happy Donation System, under the catalysis of community collective wisdom, is functionally upgraded and expanded with a new version online that can be liked and replied to.A decentralized pure blockchain social application takes on its early form.

• The Happy Donation System is continuously updated to support the display of advertising space, loudspeaker, video, audio, pictures and moving pictures. An autonomous blockchain content community based on token economy model is ready to emerge.

Of course, there are many more moving behaviors in community not recorded here. Only those who participate in it can experience it.

After a month, it is time for us to re-examine the value of the TAG system and to redefine TAG.

I would like to share some recent thinking from several aspects in the following.

This article is divided into three parts:

Part I: topics related to technology innovation and project progress, aimed for speculators and investors

Part II: topic about vote for those who care about voting

Part III: topic of blockchain literary thought, for the people who are free and boring.

Part I: About Project and Technology

The “I DO” in the title of the article has three meanings:

A Declaration Platform of the Campaign for EOS Node

When voters ask a node whether they are willing to devote their enthusiasm to the public chain of EOS and fight for its rise, the answer we hope to get is Yes, I do.

A Decentralized Platform for Issue of Assets

The Initial Donation Offering, a new token distribution mechanism based on the airdrop of Happy Donation and the mining of LP, redefines ICO. It is so simple that the project party only needs to think about the distribution proportion, then with just one click, amine pool can be created, and a series of processes such as autonomous token offering, token distribution and market pricing could be accomplished.

A Decentralized Task Platform

IDo,similar to crowdfunding and crowdsourcing, can be compared with KP3R of Ethereum. The platform draws talented people together. Users can offer rewards, publish tasks, and receive tasks, etc.

Hereunder are the details respectively:

A Declaration Platform of the Campaign for EOS Node

We are committed to creating a fair, just, open and transparent environment for node campaign and node voting, to solve the past pain points such as the node information being not open nor transparent, serious voting collusion, and the hard -working nodes being squeezed out of top 30, etc.

Therefore, we have made a node evaluation system in which information exists completely in the chain

On this platform, nodes may actively disclose their own information to be known by the community, and users can evaluate nodes.

The disclosure of node information is purely from the node, and the user’s evaluation comes purely from the voter. The evaluation system itself does not make any objective evaluation on any node.

Node basic information disclosure module:

Q & A module (questions from the community)

Node story module:

User evaluation module:

The score is modifiable. For example, I cast a 3-point poor rating today, but the node has improved later on. Then I change the rating to 10. This 10 will replace the original 3 points, affecting the total score in real time.

But the record of the poor rating still exists.

Moreover, the evaluation of evaluation and click of a “like”button can also filter out the truly valuable evaluation.

For malicious click farming, I believe in the unique feature of blockchain, which is that it records everything on the chain.

And the evaluation of evaluation can show the objectivity of this evaluation.

So no need to worry about malicious poor comments or malicious favorable comments, because the eyes of the public are bright.

Through the evaluation system, we hope to establish a good communication environment between nodes and the community.

It creates the basic conditions for the nodes to compete for the upper position, and also facilitates the nodes to listen to the users’ feedback and improve themselves.

We hope that users in the ecology can get more familiar with the nodes, their profile photo and story, then actively participate in daily voting, instead of feeling distant and unfamiliar towards nodes.

Eventually, we expect to establish a ranking mechanism of survival of the fittest among nodes,

To help the community and EOS holders to correctly use their power to select the capable and the virtuous, and have the nodes compete in a healthy way, so that they are no longer satisfied with and stagnated in the basic responsibility of block production.

To ensure that the new EOS eco development project owners, as long as they work hard, can also have a place in the list of alternative nodes even if their vote pool is zero, can even be selected eventually as super node by the community in healthy competition.

Finally, we together make EOS great again.

A Decentralized Platform for Issue of Assets

The second extended function is to further develop the donation and mining modules of TAG system to form a decentralized asset issue platform.

We call it IDO, Initial Donation Offering, a new token distribution mechanism based on donation drop and LP mining.

It is so simple that the project party only needs to think about the distribution proportion, then with just one click, a mine pool can be created, and a series of processes such as autonomous token offering, token distribution and market pricing could be accomplished.

The process and rules are as follows:

· Anyone can create a mine pool, just like creating a trade pair in Swap

• Create token / EOS trade pair in DFS Swap

· Provide liquidity of no less than 100 EOS in DFS Swap

•The value of the token balance ranks among the top three in the donation account.

If the token meets the above three conditions, the system will start mining in real time automatically. The tokens in the donation account will be distributed to users of the voting system.

If the conditions are not satisfied, the community can initiate help through “Help”. It is similar to voting for token listing in the community of the Exchange. But the difference is that the Help here needs to participate in donation or liquidity.

The TAG system, in essence, provides an infrastructure for token distribution, helping the project parties to easily complete a series of processes, including the creation of token liquidity, token distribution, precise airdrop and token market pricing, etc.

In the past, it was really difficult for the project party to issue tokens. Primarily, it was necessary to guard against the legal risk of illegal fund-raising. Secondly, to go listing on the exchange requires various relationships. Thirdly, it was necessary to consider how to distribute the tokens, to avoid the majority being pinched and rotten in their own hands as well as in the hands of the private investment fund. Market value management, and constant publicity also need to be considered if no one is buying. However, these are all out of date now.

This summer, around YFI, a completely new token distribution model appeared, featuring “No private equity, No reservation, and No founder rewards”.

Will such a distribution model succeed and become the mainstream in the future?

The market has given the answer. And time will tell.

The TAG system is exactly such an asset issue platform.

If a project party wants to issue token for its project, the only thing to do is to figure out a good proportion: for example, 20% donation + 70% LP mining + 10% self-reservation.

The advantage of this cold start mode is that the market will naturally give feedback on whether the project is valuable or not.

Fair distribution of tokens goes first, then low expectation of natural growth. It is much in line with the “Having projects before publicity stunt”trend of post-modern defi circle.

Whitepaper is cheap. Show me your code.

If you need an example,

The TAG token of the Qiuhe system itself is an excellent example.

· Cold start with 50% donation + 50% LP mining

· Iterations and updates of the project

· Rescheduling the distribution ratio

· Empowerment after expectations lowered

A Decentralized Task Platform

IDo, similar to crowdfunding and crowdsourcing, can be compared with KP3R of Ethereum. The platform draws talented people together. Users can offer rewards, publish tasks, and receive tasks, etc.

To quote from the founder of KR3R, such pain points not only exist in the EOS public chain, but also will be expanded increasingly in the future.

Because developers are scarce, and developers, whether they are developers of smart contract, front-end or UI design, can actually work by remote collaborative skills that can be carried out anytime, anywhere. It is very much in line with the professional nature of “Digital Vagrant”. Therefore, the decentralized development mode of decentralized projects will be born.

Our DFS project development mode has set a very good precedent. Soon afterwards we will work on standardization, platform and token modelto share this working mode with more enterprises and free developers.

(collaboration from the community)

(collaboration from the community)

(collaboration from the community)

IDo, in the future, will be a platform for individuals to fully display their values. The stronger the ability of an individual or an organization is, the more likely they will become stars on this platform, the more they will be able to get the rewards which match their abilities, and the more they can focus on the things that they love and master.

Important: About Adjustment of TAG Distribution Mechanism

In the TAG’s project launch document, we clearly announced that we shall make timely adjustments to the distribution mechanism in accordance with the actual situation. Now one month later, after combining market data, and making plans in the long run, we are prepared to make the following adjustments to TAG’s token distribution ratio:

· 40% from output by means of donation and vote mining

· 40% LP mining, from output by providing token / tag liquidity mining

· 20% going into DSS system and distributed to TAG’s long-term holders linearly and equitably through a more stable income curve.

Add other TAG LP pools to establish TAG transaction pair special zone. To begin with, we will have USDT / TAG LP in the first place. Subsequently, more Token / TAGLPs are to be decided by community vote.

Modification of LP ranking bonus:

1. Top 30, 30% bonus

2. 31–60, 20% bonus

3. 61–100, 10% bonus

4. No bonus for outside 100

Effective time: 8:00 p.m. Beijing time December 13. Users of LP please operate in advance to avoid the loss. REX pool is not affected.

High rewards are not sustainable. Let’s reduce revenue and return to normal sustainable mining.

POS LP Mining

Many people cannot understand why the token unit price in LP mining is so expensive.

For POS mining ,capital is Hash Rate. The TAG purchased is not only the TAG token itself but also the mining machine of the TAG token itself. If you cooperate with EOS as electricity, you can get more TAGs. Therefore, the value of TAG purchased actually includes two parts: one is TAG token itself, the other is TAG mining machine. Moreover, every TAG is a miner that can get more TAGs, so the TAG purchased is also the proportion of the current Hash Rate.

This is the essential difference between POS mining and POW mining.

On the Direction of TAG Empowerment

In addition to being the functional token of the crowdfunding and crowdsourcing task platform mentioned above, we have many more empowerment directions.

Before everything, let’s understand the guiding ideology of TAG token.

Useful Use: TAG

For the direction of TAG empowerment, we sum up in two words: Useful Use

TAG, like its image of “Qiuhe”(Autumn Grain), is food and grains. Its existence has supporteda massive amount of the business of EOS, such as machine gunbusiness and financial management business, and has generated income for loan agreement and transaction agreement. At the same time, it shoulders the mission of attracting votes and improving the governance defects of the main network voting.

•TAG is a consumable token of social system on chain centered on donation. It can reward, advertise and offer “like”, different number of TAG tokens representing different gift types and so on.

•TAG is the functional tokenin the IDo task system, which can be used for pledge, incentives, rewards, and wage settlement.

•The intermediary chips of commodity exchange on the chain, chips of auction system, etc.

The nature of tag is a mechanism of low inflation, predictable total quantity and fair distribution. It is destined that it can be actively empowered by any project party.

Other project parties can, of course, empower TAG, as if TAG was issued by them, because the distribution of TAG is fair.

The DFS project team, as a development team, is naturally willing to give TAG more and more uses in subsequent projects.

The value of TAG depends on how many project parties are willing to participate in such empowerment.

All in all, TAG token is not only useful, but also very useful for a good many purposes.

In addition to project empowerment, there are also support from basic node income. Hello eos, bigone, and bp.dfs are among the first nodeswho have expressed their willingness to use part of the node income to maintain the TAG market value and provide long-term buying support. With the consensus that TAG is the core ecological infrastructure project, more and more nodes will join it to hold DFS and TAG together.

Useless Use: DFS

Some people might ask what the use of DFS is if all resources and uses are entrusted to TAG?

For DFS, we also have two words to sum up the guiding ideology: Useless Use

Useless use refers to those aspects that are easily ignored.

In fact, most of the vital things in life are useless: love, justice, freedom, dignity, knowledge and civilization. These may be useless to many people, but I firmly believe that these are the treasures of life that withstand repeated pursuit. Life is not for use.

Utilitarian life is like a knife without sheath, sharp but not good-looking. If the dish of life is to be cut by such a knife rigidly, it is really a kind of sadness hard to be dismissed.

Therefore, in the long river of blockchain history, we do need a useless token. Heavy Sword without Edge, though it can’t cut vegetables, it can solve some difficult problems.

DFS is such a token.

Voting for governance is one of its useless uses. From voting for mine pool at the beginning to voting for nodes afterwards, are all some of its uses.

It is a kind of aggregative governance, a transferable certificate of rights and interests of decentralized autonomous organizations. Transferable means that the people behind (the token) have acquired the quality of decentralized governing after the training of governance. These abilities are transferable and are qualified to get involved ingoverning other projects, either cross agreement, cross project, cross ecology, or even cross chain and cross-border.

We call it a decentralized aggregation governance platform.

It is a kind of proof of rights and interests in the system. If you hold DFS, you can choose to wield the power or not. You can’t get any actual benefits by using or not using it. However, participation in collective decision-making can verify whether one’s result of thinking is correct based on the result of public will, which is helpful to one’s reflection and introspection. More participation can even gain freedom in spirit and in mind, since, for a long time,people have been used to accepting decisions given by others, instead of making decisions through own independent thinking.

DFS itself is of no use and no value, but if there are more people holding it, it will be useful and valuable. For example, participating in collective decision-making is itself a very interesting and valuable thing.

Give it to time,because Time will tell.

DFS,Decentralized Finance Share, you deserve to possess one.

PART II: About Voting

Community Vote Pool and Fund: dfsfundation

Without stable support and assistance from the rear, there will be no lasting operations.

The lack of economic security and public base often leads to a standstill at the gate of the city under siege,

The above is to illustrate the necessity of owning avote pool and the necessity of establishing community foundation.

In the last update, we set the dfsfundation account as a community vote pool built and shared by the public. The EOS entering this account will automatically buy in REX and be delegated to TAG’s large vote pool.

The name of DF foundation has two implications:

First of all, it means “fun donation”, that is, to accept any donation from the community and project parties. Secondly, it is foundation, which means funds.

EOS entering the DF foundation will directly buy Rex and vote. Ownership of this portion of EOS belongs to the entire ecology and community.

The EOS herecan be both “in” and “out”. It is accumulated. It serves as a community owned vote pool to increase the weight of our votes. Then at a later stage, when a developer needs to apply for development funds, the developer can submit the application, and then the community will vote to decide whether to approve and whether to allocate funds to support his dream.

For the process of developers applying for development funds to do experiments, we can refer to the process of Web3 foundation of Boca public chain:

•The developer takes the initiative to explain what he wants to do, then starts a proposal application. The funding level of the application depends on the budget required for the team development.

· The developer takes the initiative to dismantle the project into development milestones, at least 3 project milestones that are inspectable for acceptance are required.

•The community then votes to decide whether to approve the application and distribute the funds for the first phase

•In the acceptance stage, the community will check and accept the project in stages according to the milestones. After each successful acceptance, the payment for the next milestone will be distributed.

The advantage of stage acceptance and installment payment is that it can screen out those boastful projects and projects just making up for the number. At the same time, it can really support the project party who is able to develop a good project, and provide necessary support for the early start-up stage of the project.

For example, that is how the famous Uniswap started in its early days.

The development of blockchain projects focuses on experiment and trial and error. The purpose of the foundation is to help developers do experiments and trial and error with minimum cost and no worries. Even a failure is experience, there will be success after all.

By the decentralized and transparent process, the cost is controlled. And those meaningless and pitiful private equity projects as well as those failed investments with random valuations by reading the white paper are avoided.

I believe that in the future, some people like Andre Cronje (founder of YFI) or Hayden Adams (founder of Uniswap) or even God V (founder of Ethereum) will appear among the project parties supported by the dfsfoundation and the community to make a big innovative project that is earth shaking and blinding. This will precipitate the value of EOS public chain and double the growth.

Just imagine, ifa community has the ability to incubate companies, such a community is already writing history.

Notice of bp.dfs Node Income Distribution

Distribution scheme of bp.dfs node income:

·10% for donation to community vote pool (dfsfundation);

· 20% for buy-back and put liquidity on DFS →( granary.dfs );

· 20% for buy-back and put liquidity on TAG →( granary.dfs );

·50% for purchase of Rex vote as node’s ownvote pool and for team operation →( vault.dfs );

·The above is fully executed automatically by smart contracts.

The above is purely a unilateral practice of the bp.dfs project party.

We vote for good nodes because they are worth it, not solely because of a good rebate. Likewise, the 95 million votes from b1 to bp.dfs is a simple recognition of the DFS team.

Public Choice Theory: is it wrong to vote for exchanges

It is human nature to love freedom. However, in history, there are far more things violating freedom than defending freedom, for example, the ideological market.

One of the important reasons why “bad money drives out good money” often appears in the ideological market is that critics often pay attention to the wrong conclusions themselves and ignore the natural defects of the deduction process, such as logical error, theoretical foundation error and so on.

In a fair environment, public choice is generally right.

The original intention of establishing community voting is to oppose vote collusion and vote swap, to establish a transparent node election, and a fair competition mechanism of nodes, prodding the existing nodes to do better. It’s not just about who cannot be the nodes.

On Mutual Vote

Many people are blinded by the word “Mutual Vote”.

Seeing that A votes for B, and B votes for A too, some people might immediately jump out and blame that this is mutual vote, and mutual vote is wrong, mutual vote is shameful, and should be stopped right away.

As long as the starting point is correct, there is no problem with mutual vote.

For mutual vote, we have a more elegant term called “mutual appreciation”. In Chinese English, we say “you dida dida me, I huala huala you.”

Indecent Development Dismantling the Outer Tower

The theory of dismantling the outer tower means that the TAG vote pool does not have to directly interfere in nodes ranking in the top. It turns to candidate nodes ranking behind instead. Here are some outstanding technology nodes that have been neglected and excluded for a long time, which need our support. At the same time, we also see that there are a lot of “candidate nodes” that do not even have names or project parties. It is necessary to recommend community project parties who are willing to work for ecology to replace them. Step by step, we replace those nameless candidate nodes that ruthlessly mine, buy and withdraw with nodes of a community and nodes of technology. This process is called “dismantling the outer tower”.

(Nameless nodes ranking behind)

The Involution of EOS Vote Exchange

Involution is tiring competition instead of an easy one. There is also serious involution in the vote exchange of our EOS nodes

It was not very difficult to be Block Producer node as long as the team work hard. However, then it did not work in that way. You need to have money, have votes, have resources and huddle together. Then after going through much tiring “diplomacy”, 30 votes have been exchanged. Yet it is found that it is still not enough, more efforts should be made to have more votes.

The campaign for BP node went from easy competition to a tiring process to an extent that you cannot get along if you do not exchange votes, that eventually you cannot get along if you do not work hard to exchange votes. This is involution, but in the wrong direction. We call it inferior involution, which causes mutual damage.

At this point, we should put forward another brand-new competition mode: start to “compete to go on top” by strength. In this direction, the more involution, the better.

The reality of becoming super nodes by renting a cloud server, hiring a part-time for operation and maintenance, and by exchanging votes should be changed. It is necessary to work hard to improve the service level, to increase the API request speed and block production performance; it is necessary to work on community, to have real work, for you will lose votes if you do not make any progress

Avoid Meaningless Involution

What the vote exchange compete is for a useless rank. The number of additional EOS rewards issued per day is fixed. The proceeds from the additional issuance of nodes could have been used to incubate strong community and teams. However, it becomes worthless because of the constant involution competition of vote exchange. So now you can understand some people’s complaints:

•The Block Producer node does not make money.

• The Block Producer node is operating at a loss.

•It’s not easy for a Block Producer node to produce blocks, what else do you expect us to do?

• We’ve exhausted ourselves in block production, what else more can we do?

It can only be said that the whole EOS ecology and community are competing in the wrong direction. It’s a kind of vicious circle of bad involution. So the key to break through is to abolish this kind of mal-directed involution.

Using Game Theory to Crack Involution

There was an economist named John Nash, whose legendary stories are told in the well-known film “A Beautiful Mind”. The inspiration of the famous Nash Equilibrium Theory in Game Theory comes from this. Only when some people voluntarily give up competition and others choose to cooperate voluntarily, can we find a solution to maximize collective interests. If all strive for the “maximized benefits” for the time being, the final result will be a lose-lose situation or a multi-looser state.


The reality is that token price has been falling.

This shows that there is not only no precipitation of value, but also exists value leakage.

What we are doing is, hopefully, to solve the problem of value precipitation and value leakage.

If there is no vicious competition of vote exchange, the proceeds of a super node could have supported a team of 20–50 people. Such a team could have made an internet level blockbuster application like Whatapp or Instagram, bringing huge value growth to the entire economy.

Vote exchange is wasting the increase issues of EOS by the system on the internal friction of involution. It is mutually damaging between the ecology and the EOS in hands. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that people of insight stop exchanging votes and abolishing the bad involution.

Cracking the Vote Exchange Involution

To solve the problem of bad involution of vote exchange, we can only rely on Game Theory by voluntarily giving up competition to realize maximized group interests. Therefore, we should first find the Nash equilibrium point in the Game Theory.

Let us start with the weak parties who have votes in hand but will be out if they don’t exchange votes. If a node has a 2 million self-owned pool, it will be only 60 million votes even if it has exchanged full 30 votes by making every effort.

Then don’t try hard, just directly delegate the votes to the TAG vote pool. The DFS community will not only respect you as a man, but also vote back all your 60 million votes, eliminating the process of exchanging votes and the settlement procedure of exchanging votes. In this way, more time is reserved for focusing on real work and staying with family and friends.

If one node is willing to give up the competition of involution vote exchange, and to delegate 2 million votes to the TAG vote pool, the vote exchange alliance will lose 60 million votes. As a result, the threshold for super nodes is 60 million votes lower.

Democratization of Voting

What TAG has done is no less than a small democratic revolution. What it seeks is the independence of EOS public chain democracy.

Nodes are like governors guarding the country.

The teams behind the nodes, like important fortresses on the chain, either export technology, or operate the community, or disseminate various blockchain ideas to the public, each, with their areas of expertise and in different parts of the world, showing their magic power and making contributions to the same EOS.

And these contributions can be reflected in the community. Then a series of fair, just, open and transparent indicators for appraisal and selection can be formed, and those indicators can be abstracted into multiple dimensions, just like KPI.

If you can get an official position through economic transactions, no one will care about democratic voting.

We hope that the node election will eventually be like the governor’s election.

To be a little ritualistic: If you want to be a responsible node, you need to put your hand on the Bible and answer the priest’s question: are you willing to love her (EOS) and protect her (EOS), whether you are rich or poor, do not leave her (EOS)?

Node answers: Yes, I Do.

Only then can the voters rest assured and cast a vote for him.

Voting Principles (for reference only)

· Vote for teams that have the right values and embrace community building

·Vote for teams that are worth it, but long been neglected as candidates in the back row

·Vote for teams that contribute to the technology of the main network, to the ecology and the community

Do you have to cast votes for those nodes already ranking in the top 21 places?

I hold that we should promote the common prosperity of each project team in the main network ecology.

If the front row nodes have been well-fed and well-clothed in the vote exchange system over a long period of time, and have obtained long-term reserves, we can consider giving priority to the nodes in the back row who live on air.

There are some noble nodes who keep a very low profile, always giving, but disdain exchanging votes. It is absolutely worth for you to know them and vote for them.

Part III The Spirit of D


For 22 years, Luffy in “One Piece”, set out from a small fishing village in the East Sea and broke into the new world of the great waterway, launching a magnificent adventure which related to chasing dreams and finding treasures.

The EOS public chain is like the first boat that we took to explore the ocean of stars of blockchain: Golden Melly.

We are predestined to get together here. We will sail with a reed and help each other in the same boat. We will go through a storm and look for the next island in the fog. Before we go ashore, it is all up to us to maintain the boat.

The Spirit of “D”

Many people ask why the names of DFS team members usually begin with J and end with D.

On the one hand, I like ONE PIECE, on the other hand, it’s indeed a very meaningful code.

The meaning of “D” spirit is very rich:

It’s Dark, it’s Defeat;

It is Dangerous, it’s Despair;

It is Dream, it is Destiny;

It’s Decisive, it’s Dare;

It’s Dashing, it’s Decent;

It is Deathless, it’s Dawn.

Finally, it is Decentration.

ONE PIECE is a process of dream chasing.

Maybe the treasure box that finally opens is just a box of air, but its significance has been reflected in the process of the pursuit of One Piece.

Even if you know in advance that the end of a great adventure is nothingness, are you still willing to take a risk?

Of Course, I Do.

Having Heard DAO in the Morning, One May Die without Regret in the Evening. (By Confucius)

Curiosity, the desire to explore and the pursuit of freedom are all human nature, and unstoppable.

Through the great human undertakings of mathematics, physics, philosophy and science, people can still enjoy spiritual freedom even if they are confined in the shell.

Pascal, the great mathematician, has a famous saying, which is our most appropriate memorial to the giant Hawking in the wheelchair. Pascal’s remarks go like this: Thought forms the greatness of man. Man is just like a reed, the most fragile thing in the world. Still it is a reed that can think. The universe needn’t mobilize all to destroy it, one breath, a drop of water, is enough to kill it. However, even if the universe destroys it, man is still much more noble than the thing that killed it, because the man knows that he is going to die and he is aware of the advantages of universe over himself, yet about which the universe knows nothing at all. Our whole dignity, therefore, all lies in thought. Not because of the time or space that we cannot fill and control, it is because of thought that we must improve ourselves. So we should try our best to think, which is the principle of moral.

Those projects that represent the spirit of decentralization are just like the reed, which is fragile but also powerful. It is so easy to kill this reed. Hostile mergers and acquisitions and monopoly control are all deadly. However, as long as the spirit does not die, rebirth is inevitable. This is the Deathless in the spirit of D. This is also the proof that Bitcoin can’t die, because ideas can’t be easily eliminated.

If we say the invention of Bitcoin is the gem that human found when they looked up at the starry sky, while the state and large enterprises are all setting strategies for blockchain and digital currency. It seems that we can hear Nakamoto asking from afar: are you willing to follow the team exploring the mystery of the blockchain to get this gem together?

Yes, I Do.

